Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Top Signs of a Cheating Girlfriend

a really good sign of a cheating girlfriend article by Cheating Girlfriend Expert, John Purden

A cheating girlfriend is worse than a cheating man. A lot of people would like to believe in this notion as the society perceives that it is an acceptable fact to encounter a cheating man than a woman. Although this conception sounds inequitable and unjust regardless of who cheats and who is being cheated, still it remains one sole truth, cheating will never be a form of excuse, not a sort of pretext nor a defense for ones self confessed sins.

How will you know if you are holding, hugging and kissing a cheating girlfriend? You need not lose sleep for there are warning signs which will tell you that an intruder is coming to get your girl and to your surprise, your unfaithful girlfriend welcomes this trespasser with open arms. Beware and know how to foresee if she is really playing games and doing something behind your back. Here are the top signs of disloyalty and double-crossing:

A cheating girlfriend has more time doing business outside.

This is primarily the sign men should be sensible enough to sense. If a woman starts spending more time outside of the house than she normally does then there must be something worthwhile outside which keeps her from spending more time at home. If this happens recurrently then you should be raising your signals up to fetch something to clear such issues.

A cheating girlfriend is becoming more mindful of the way she looks

This is one thing that you also need to look at. If you see your girl spending excessive time looking at the mirror, fixing her hair and redoing her make up for the nth time then this could be a sign. If she does not care having an all-messed-up hair when she's with you and have a very well fixed one the time she leaves without you, then you need to be guarded with this kind of gesture. Women have a way of hiding things more than you could ever imagine. Therefore, as a man, you need to make certain that you are not being tricked and deceived easily.

A cheating girlfriend does not leave her mobile phone and personal belongings

Almost all cheaters are like this, however women are not exempted. You can easily come to the conclusion that she is doing something out of your love nest if she never leaves her valuable things without her presence. If you will try to notice, women would even bring along her mobile phone even by just merely going to the bathroom. If you observe this kind of action and she fails to surrender her things to you then you can say that she might be hiding something from you. Something that she does not want you to see and she does not want you to discover.

A cheating girlfriend is difficult if you already invested so much love for the person. You can simply tell by her actions, the way she verbalizes and the way she looks at you. A cheating girlfriend cannot look at you straight into the eye so you better make sure you are able to see through the language of her eyes and smell that something fishy is going on.

About the Author

Ready to learn the top signs of a cheating girlfriend? Get free access to learn the exact secret on how to get your ex back quick, no matter how impossible your situation seems. Go to NOW!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

5 Ways To Not Get Your Heart Broken

A very good sign of a cheating girlfriend article by Eddie Phanichkul, She's Cheating! But We're In Love - 5 Ways To Not Get Your Heart Broken

main article

Have you've ever been in a situation where you've met the man or woman of your dreams, but he or she is still in a somewhat committed relationship? If so, then you know how hard it is to be the odd man out.

How do you keep from ultimately being rejected? How can you trust someone who leaves their boyfriend or girlfriend for you?

Here are some tips and five ways to make sure you're right for each other. At least you'll have piece of mind knowing you did your very best and maybe it was not meant to be.

1. Make sure the person you're with is meant for you, and not just trying relieve themselves of their stressful life with an affair or torrid romance. Chances are the person who's doing the cheating will ultimately back out when they begin to sort out their own life, but only after unleashing a whirlwind of lies and destroying someone in the process.

2. If he or she is leaving their significant other for you, that's a bad sign. Make sure if they really want to leave the one they are with, it's for a good reason. That reason cannot be you! You can't trust someone who leaves someone solely for you.

3. If you've fallen madly in love with the person, take a step back and look at the big picture. They may have led you on unintentionally, though you might still feel a strong connection with each other. You could be made for each other, but relationships take time, no matter how romantic you both are.

4. Don't be fooled by love letters. Actions speak louder than words, so show them how you feel and if they reciprocate, perhaps it is meant to be. Just make sure they are serious and are willing to cut their ties to another before creating new ties with you.

5. Out of sight, out of mind. The only way to get over a relationship of this nature is to forget it. The relationship may have been doomed from the start if they weren't planning on leaving their significant other for you. It may have been passionate at times, but you can't do anything to change their lives. Anything you do can interfere with their natural path and mess up any chance you ever had with the person you care for. You don't want to be the other man or the other woman. If you find yourself in this scenario, run!

Some romantics believe distance makes the heart grow fonder. If you're in a situation where he or she is cheating, or planning to leave the one they love for you, make sure you tell them to tie up their own loose ends and clean up their mess before proceeding. This could have a negative impact on your relationship in the future and trust will always be an issue. Remember to always keep your guard up just in case, especially if you've been burned before.

About the Author

Eddie Phanichkul is a writer from southern California. He writes on relationships and technology, as well as reviews film and literature. Visit Taking Stuff Apart, to read more!

Michael Thomas
sign of a cheating girlfriend

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Sign Of A Cheating Girlfriend

A good sign of a cheating girlfriend article by Mark de Smit titeled, Is Your Girlfriend Cheating on You?

You have been going out with your girlfriend for quite some time now. Tying the knot with her is a big possibility. However, you have a nagging feeling that something is just not right. Is your girlfriend cheating on you?

Finding out whether or not your girlfriend is unfaithful to you starts from the time you accept the possibility of it happening. There are signs that can lead you to the truth. Most often these are things or changes you will likely notice if you are very observant or simply willing to seek the real story.

Is she more concerned about her weight now when it did not really bother her before? Is your girlfriend spending more time with "friends" lately? Does she seem to splurge more on cosmetics and sexy clothes recently?

A cheating girlfriend can be more charming or loving towards you to cover-up her unfaithfulness. On the other hand, she can also be more easily irritated or angered over small matters that may or may not really be your fault. She may be overly devoted and spend more time with you or have less time with you. She may also have lots of things and stories to share or she may be always tired and have nothing much to say.

Pay close attention to details that could give merit to your suspicions. You can never be certain about her infidelity until she admits it or she is caught in the act. Know what to look out for by reading books or guides on how to catch a cheating partner.

With computers and Internet available in most homes, it is possible for your girlfriend to develop an affair online. If you suspect this is so, there are some things you can do to ferret out the truth. One way for you to catch a cheating girlfriend is by installing a software that monitors Internet activity in your computer.

A computer software like PC Pandora will provide you the ability to record and get snapshots of the different websites visited. It is like a detective that spies on all things done over the Internet using your computer. It can monitor electronic mails, instant messages as well as conversations in chat rooms. It can also determine passwords with its keylogger feature.

If your girlfriend creates a new e-mail address, changes her passwords or simply refuses to share her online activities with you, it does not necessarily mean she is cheating. It could be really just a desire for some space or privacy. However, if she is indeed being unfaithful, you can determine the truth through careful gathering of facts.

With a program or software monitoring your computer's Internet activities your partner cannot hide from you any online affair that she may have. An affair does not have to be a physical one to be considered as cheating. If you value true loyalty and commitment in a relationship, flirting online or offline is simply not acceptable.

Determine the quality of your relationship with your girlfriend before you suspect her of cheating on you. If you have given her your trust, most likely you will not consider some recent changes as grounds for suspicions. If you are suspicious from the very start, it is possible that you will consider every change in attitude or activity as a sign of infidelity.

How to Catch a Cheating Wife? Confirm Your Suspicions

About the Author

You have been going out with your girlfriend for quite some time now. Tying the knot with her is a big possibility. However, you have a nagging feeling that something is just not right. Is your girlfriend cheating on you?

Sunday, August 10, 2008

sign of a cheating girlfriend

An interesting sign of a cheating girlfriend article called, 5 Signs of a Cheating Girlfriend by Christian Blacksmith

5 Signs of a Cheating Girlfriend

In relationships, cheating is a no-no. Nowadays, more people are becoming unfaithful. If I ask you now: Is she faithful?รข€ Will you be able to answer with a definite YES? Lucky are the people who can be truly positive about their girlfriends infidelity. However if I ask questions such as:

Is she suddenly not able to meet up with you as often? Does it feel like she's hiding something?

and then you suddenly answered YES, then this might be the best time for you to learn about the signs of a cheating girlfriend. Though this is not easy to accept and I understand how depressing it is, knowing a few tips would help you avoid being in a doomed relationship:

1. Little or almost always no time for you

In the past, you spend a lot of time with her. Now you see less and less of each other, with her saying how she is always busy or how tired she always is, etc. Though they may be valid reasons, there is a big possibility that those are only excuses for her to spend time with the another guy.

2. Is secrecy becoming a frequent thing?

Check whether she is being too secretive. Does she often take phone calls out of the house? Does she keep on sending messages with her mobile phone and then suddenly shifts to another activity when you're near? Know that frequent secrecy is definitely one of the signs of a cheating girlfriend.

3. Too Many Inconsistencies

If the relationship is running smoothly, I know for a fact that there is always the presence of consistency, especially when it comes to the things you both talk about. I know how hard it is when you suddenly realize that she keeps on telling you stories that are all of different versions. This is in fact one of the most important signs of a cheating girlfriend that you should be aware of.

Know that cheaters, because of their mixed emotions, are usually inconsistent. 4. Does she suddenly delete computer files or messages on her mobile phone especially when you're over her shoulder looking?

If you see that she is suddenly doing this when she doesn't in the past and when she suddenly doesn't want you browsing through her mobile phone, then, it is normal for you to feel hurt and become suspicious. Sad to say, you are seeing one of the signs of a cheating girlfriend; the more you ignore the warnings, the more your bad feelings will intensify. 5. Does your intuition screams at you that something is wrong?

Are there times when you feel that something is amiss but you just cannot place your finger on it? If this happens, observe first and gather enough evidence.

There are a lot more signs of a cheating girlfriend and the above are just a few of them. Note that you cannot just accuse her of being unfaithful right away. Research more and gather proof before acting. Remember that a happy relationship is one of the factors of having happy in life.

About the Author

Want More Tips? Visit to download Christian's free report where you will be exposed to the latest signs of a cheating girlfriend that will help you win the fight against infidelity!


sign of a cheating girlfriend

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

sign of a cheating girlfriend

Think Your Girlfriend Might Be Cheating on You? Article by sign of a cheating girlfriend expert, Christina Caci

The suspicion that someone is cheating on you is one of the worst feelings in the world. It makes you second-guess everything. It makes you wonder if you're paranoid. One minute you're sure she's cheating and the next, you try to talk yourself out of it.

Guess what? You already have a handle on the biggest sign of a cheating girlfriend. Your gut feeling matters more than anything else! If you feel there is something wrong, there probably is.

If you have suspicions about your girlfriend's faithfulness, it's time to take a look at the little things that don't add up. Is your girlfriend doing any of the following?

She comes home later and later from work. When you ask her where she's been, she tells you she had to work late, or she went out with her friends after she left the office. When you press her for details, she gets annoyed or irritated at you.

Do her girlfriends ignore you, or give you sympathetic looks? Do they make comments that make you think there is something being hidden? Listen to what they say - they probably want to tell you, but don't know how to do it without alienating their friend.

When you talk to her about a particular outing or project, she pauses quite a bit during the conversation. She might also ask you "What?" when you know she heard you. She's giving herself the extra time to think of a good answer that will cover her tracks and keep her lie intact.

Does she pull away from affection with you? If you try to kiss her and get only a peck on the cheek, or you hold her hand but she doesn't seem to want you to do it, she might be feeling guilty about someone else. If she hesitates to make love to you when she was always an eager lover, there might be something going on behind your back.

When you talk about a future with her, does she change the subject? A woman who was practically ready to marry you a few months ago might now be uncertain. There might be someone else taking away her affections. It's hard to talk about a future with someone when you're sleeping with someone else!

Since it's the future you should be thinking about, start now to make sure your girlfriend isn't cheating on you. Search for the signs, then get the proof!

About the Author

If you're looking for more information on how to catch them cheating, be sure to check out Quickly learn the one word that every cheater uses to get away with cheating on you and how you can easily avoid this huge mistake!

sign of a cheating girlfriend

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Unfaithful Cheating Wife Signs - How To Spot The Signs Of An Unfaithful Cheating Wife

Another really good article the sign of a cheating girlfriend or wife, by Graham Alexander

How do you recognise the signs of an unfaithful cheating wife or girlfriend? This has been something that men have wondered about for as long as men and women have had relationships, and they will probably face the same problems for as long as there are people walking the earth. There will always be unfaithful and cheating wives and girlfriends - it's a sad but unavoidable fact of life. I know this from personal experience - a girlfriend of mine cheated on me many years ago, which was bad enough, and then years later I found out that my first wife was being unfaithful. Luckily I'm now married again to a wonderful woman, but I learned a lot from those two bad experiences, so here are a few things to watch out for if you're in the unfortunate situation that I was once in.
A Cheating Wife will be out more
If your wife or girlfriend is being unfaithful to you, one of the first things you'll notice is that she's out more often, spending more time "with friends". If you don't live with your girlfriend, then it may be that she wants to see you less, and complains of being tired or busy. She might suddenly claim to be interested in a lot more TV shows than she used to. The problem is that all relationships take time, and if she's trying to manage another one, then she'll need to find the time from somewhere, so there will be less time for you.
An unfaithful woman will over compensate
People often think that if someone is having an affair, then they will neglect their partner. This is often the case, but surprisingly the reverse is sometimes true. This is because of guilt. Women suffer more from guilt than men, so the cheating wife might start to be extra nice when she's with you, buying you gifts, cooking special meals and so on. The real giveaway in my experience is that despite this attention, your wife or girlfriend will probably find reasons for your sex life to become far less satisfactory.
She makes more telephone calls
If two people are having an extra-marital relationship, then it will usually be difficult for them to find enough time to spend together. They have to find another way to communicate, and it's usually by telephone. Remember the line from the old Dr Hook song - "Then somebody hangs up when you answer the phone"? Well, that was how it was before cell phones, when people only had a land line, but these days it's the mobile phone which is used, because it's personal to one person. The thing to watch out for is if your wife or girlfriend starts to get very touchy about her phone. She might get very jumpy when it rings, she might always leave the room when she answers it, and she certainly won't want you answering it or reading text messages. In fact you'll find that her phone is never out of her reach.
This is how I caught out my first wife - I became suspicious, and managed to note down the numbers she'd been texting and calling. I then checked them out with a Reverse Phone Number Search - something she'd never heard of! This is usually a website where you pay a few dollars, and then you can use their database to find out who owns a phone number. If you're suspicious of who your partner has been calling, then you should sign up for one of these phone searches now. They cost very little, and will either confirm your suspicions, or put your mind at rest.

About the Author

You can read my review of Reverse Phone Search websites here: Reverse Telephone Search Reviews. This should help you choose the best one for you.

sign of a cheating girlfriend