Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Sign Of A Cheating Girlfriend

A good sign of a cheating girlfriend article by Mark de Smit titeled, Is Your Girlfriend Cheating on You?

You have been going out with your girlfriend for quite some time now. Tying the knot with her is a big possibility. However, you have a nagging feeling that something is just not right. Is your girlfriend cheating on you?

Finding out whether or not your girlfriend is unfaithful to you starts from the time you accept the possibility of it happening. There are signs that can lead you to the truth. Most often these are things or changes you will likely notice if you are very observant or simply willing to seek the real story.

Is she more concerned about her weight now when it did not really bother her before? Is your girlfriend spending more time with "friends" lately? Does she seem to splurge more on cosmetics and sexy clothes recently?

A cheating girlfriend can be more charming or loving towards you to cover-up her unfaithfulness. On the other hand, she can also be more easily irritated or angered over small matters that may or may not really be your fault. She may be overly devoted and spend more time with you or have less time with you. She may also have lots of things and stories to share or she may be always tired and have nothing much to say.

Pay close attention to details that could give merit to your suspicions. You can never be certain about her infidelity until she admits it or she is caught in the act. Know what to look out for by reading books or guides on how to catch a cheating partner.

With computers and Internet available in most homes, it is possible for your girlfriend to develop an affair online. If you suspect this is so, there are some things you can do to ferret out the truth. One way for you to catch a cheating girlfriend is by installing a software that monitors Internet activity in your computer.

A computer software like PC Pandora will provide you the ability to record and get snapshots of the different websites visited. It is like a detective that spies on all things done over the Internet using your computer. It can monitor electronic mails, instant messages as well as conversations in chat rooms. It can also determine passwords with its keylogger feature.

If your girlfriend creates a new e-mail address, changes her passwords or simply refuses to share her online activities with you, it does not necessarily mean she is cheating. It could be really just a desire for some space or privacy. However, if she is indeed being unfaithful, you can determine the truth through careful gathering of facts.

With a program or software monitoring your computer's Internet activities your partner cannot hide from you any online affair that she may have. An affair does not have to be a physical one to be considered as cheating. If you value true loyalty and commitment in a relationship, flirting online or offline is simply not acceptable.

Determine the quality of your relationship with your girlfriend before you suspect her of cheating on you. If you have given her your trust, most likely you will not consider some recent changes as grounds for suspicions. If you are suspicious from the very start, it is possible that you will consider every change in attitude or activity as a sign of infidelity.

How to Catch a Cheating Wife? Confirm Your Suspicions

About the Author

You have been going out with your girlfriend for quite some time now. Tying the knot with her is a big possibility. However, you have a nagging feeling that something is just not right. Is your girlfriend cheating on you?

Sunday, August 10, 2008

sign of a cheating girlfriend

An interesting sign of a cheating girlfriend article called, 5 Signs of a Cheating Girlfriend by Christian Blacksmith

5 Signs of a Cheating Girlfriend

In relationships, cheating is a no-no. Nowadays, more people are becoming unfaithful. If I ask you now: Is she faithful?รข€ Will you be able to answer with a definite YES? Lucky are the people who can be truly positive about their girlfriends infidelity. However if I ask questions such as:

Is she suddenly not able to meet up with you as often? Does it feel like she's hiding something?

and then you suddenly answered YES, then this might be the best time for you to learn about the signs of a cheating girlfriend. Though this is not easy to accept and I understand how depressing it is, knowing a few tips would help you avoid being in a doomed relationship:

1. Little or almost always no time for you

In the past, you spend a lot of time with her. Now you see less and less of each other, with her saying how she is always busy or how tired she always is, etc. Though they may be valid reasons, there is a big possibility that those are only excuses for her to spend time with the another guy.

2. Is secrecy becoming a frequent thing?

Check whether she is being too secretive. Does she often take phone calls out of the house? Does she keep on sending messages with her mobile phone and then suddenly shifts to another activity when you're near? Know that frequent secrecy is definitely one of the signs of a cheating girlfriend.

3. Too Many Inconsistencies

If the relationship is running smoothly, I know for a fact that there is always the presence of consistency, especially when it comes to the things you both talk about. I know how hard it is when you suddenly realize that she keeps on telling you stories that are all of different versions. This is in fact one of the most important signs of a cheating girlfriend that you should be aware of.

Know that cheaters, because of their mixed emotions, are usually inconsistent. 4. Does she suddenly delete computer files or messages on her mobile phone especially when you're over her shoulder looking?

If you see that she is suddenly doing this when she doesn't in the past and when she suddenly doesn't want you browsing through her mobile phone, then, it is normal for you to feel hurt and become suspicious. Sad to say, you are seeing one of the signs of a cheating girlfriend; the more you ignore the warnings, the more your bad feelings will intensify. 5. Does your intuition screams at you that something is wrong?

Are there times when you feel that something is amiss but you just cannot place your finger on it? If this happens, observe first and gather enough evidence.

There are a lot more signs of a cheating girlfriend and the above are just a few of them. Note that you cannot just accuse her of being unfaithful right away. Research more and gather proof before acting. Remember that a happy relationship is one of the factors of having happy in life.

About the Author

Want More Tips? Visit http://www.MyRelationshipDoctor.com to download Christian's free report where you will be exposed to the latest signs of a cheating girlfriend that will help you win the fight against infidelity!


sign of a cheating girlfriend

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

sign of a cheating girlfriend

Think Your Girlfriend Might Be Cheating on You? Article by sign of a cheating girlfriend expert, Christina Caci

The suspicion that someone is cheating on you is one of the worst feelings in the world. It makes you second-guess everything. It makes you wonder if you're paranoid. One minute you're sure she's cheating and the next, you try to talk yourself out of it.

Guess what? You already have a handle on the biggest sign of a cheating girlfriend. Your gut feeling matters more than anything else! If you feel there is something wrong, there probably is.

If you have suspicions about your girlfriend's faithfulness, it's time to take a look at the little things that don't add up. Is your girlfriend doing any of the following?

She comes home later and later from work. When you ask her where she's been, she tells you she had to work late, or she went out with her friends after she left the office. When you press her for details, she gets annoyed or irritated at you.

Do her girlfriends ignore you, or give you sympathetic looks? Do they make comments that make you think there is something being hidden? Listen to what they say - they probably want to tell you, but don't know how to do it without alienating their friend.

When you talk to her about a particular outing or project, she pauses quite a bit during the conversation. She might also ask you "What?" when you know she heard you. She's giving herself the extra time to think of a good answer that will cover her tracks and keep her lie intact.

Does she pull away from affection with you? If you try to kiss her and get only a peck on the cheek, or you hold her hand but she doesn't seem to want you to do it, she might be feeling guilty about someone else. If she hesitates to make love to you when she was always an eager lover, there might be something going on behind your back.

When you talk about a future with her, does she change the subject? A woman who was practically ready to marry you a few months ago might now be uncertain. There might be someone else taking away her affections. It's hard to talk about a future with someone when you're sleeping with someone else!

Since it's the future you should be thinking about, start now to make sure your girlfriend isn't cheating on you. Search for the signs, then get the proof!

About the Author

If you're looking for more information on how to catch them cheating, be sure to check out http://www.catchthemcheating.com Quickly learn the one word that every cheater uses to get away with cheating on you and how you can easily avoid this huge mistake!

sign of a cheating girlfriend